Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Muppets

The Muppets
There are 15 intro tracks on the CD, usually spoken dialogue from the movie, and 15 actual songs.

Both Jason Seigel (Gary) and Peter Linz (Walter the Muppet) can really carry a tune and do a great job on the tracks they're featured on together. 'Life's a Happy Song' it sweet, but not overly so. The `Are you a Man or a Muppet' track is a GEM. Clever, hilarious and touching. ("Am I a man or a Muppet? If I'm a man then I'm a muppet of a man.") It has kind of a 70's rock ballad feel, which I'm guessing is Jason Seigel's influence. Definitely my favorite track on the CD so far.

`Me and Julio...' is not a remake as I thought (hoped) it might be, but it's still a great classic which fits in with the feel the soundtrack. 'We Built this City' is also the Starship original and, in my opinion, doesn't really seem to go along with the tone of the soundtrack. I'm curious to see how both fit into the movie.

`Rainbow Connection' is on the soundtrack twice. The first remake is an advertisement sung by Fozzy. It's mildy funny the first time around but it just makes me miss the original. Luckily you get to a better version later on in the CD.

`Me Party' is a latin-flavored disco song featuring Amy Adams and Miss Piggy - Amy has a sweet voice and the track is a solid entry on the CD. ("What happens at a Me Party stays at a Me Party...")

`Let's Talk about Me' is one of the best tracks on the soundtrack, featuring Nathan Pacheco and Chris Cooper... rapping. Weird, but it totally works. This is obviously the bad guy's song as he explains through the lyrics why he hates the Muppets. The music has a great groove and I could see this being a single on the radio if it had `serious' lyrics.

The Barbershop quartet version of the Nirvana classic 'Smells like Teen Spirit' is... well... ridiculous, disturbing, hilarious and strangely charming all at the same time. It features my favorite muppet, Beaker. You just have to hear it for yourself. I chuckled at all of Beaker's lyrics. I especially love his reaction when Fozzy let's on he knows a dirty word. (BTW, does anyone else find it just a little wrong that any Muppet would know a dirty word?)

The lady chickens version of 'Forget You' (or 'Cluck You' as I like to call it) is probably the most fun track on the entire CD. It's crazy that a song made up of clucking could be successful but I really think these `Princesses of Poulty' pull it off - largely in part to Cee Lo Green's catchy, upbeat song. Listen to it and NOT smile, I dare you.

By the time Miss Piggy and Kermit sing the classic 'The Rainbow Connection' it feels fresh even though it was originally done in the first movie. And I think Miss Piggy's taken some singing lessons since the original Muppet Movie because she can actually carry a tune now. :)

I loved `The Whistling Caruso' - Andrew Bird uses his voice amazingly in this mini-classical piece.

The second-to-last music track on the CD includes the whole gang (Amy and Jason included) in an almost too-sweet wrap-up finale song. I can't say it really appeals to me yet, but I'm guessing it's actually a perfect little ditty to finish out the story.

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